Введение в DH 2023 — старт курса

Первокурсники ОП «История» на первом семинаре пытались определить, что такое цифровые гуманитарные науки, описывали специалиста по DH — между классическим историком и техническим специалистом. На семинаре были затронуты также и критические эссе, авторы которых пытаются найти место цифрового исследователя в эпоху повсеместной цифровизации, открытых электронных коллекций и развивающегося прямо сейчас искусственного интеллекта.

Среди множества определений DH (их точно не меньше 817!) историки выбрали следующие:

  1. DH is the application and the use of computing tecnologies for the research, teaching and investigation in the disciplines of the humanities. (Alí Albarrán)
  2. The use of computational techniques in the humanities that would allow research that is otherwise impossible. (Melissa Terras)
  3. Incorporating technology and tools into the field of humanities research to discover and document new contexts and relationships (Emily Stenberg) (Столярова Мария)
  4.  Digital Humanities – неоднородная и все еще формирующаяся область, которая охватывает гуманитарные исследования, связанные с применением информационных технологий и изучением возможностей развития гуманитарных наук, в первую очередь, филологических, открывающихся благодаря использованию новых технологий, медиа и методов (Гарскова И.М. Историческая информатика: эволюция междисциплинарного направления.) (Столярова Мария)
  5. Практика сочетания новых цифровых инструментов и традиционных гуманитарных исследований для создания новых, интерактивных, интегративных и публичных способов распространения исследований и открытий. (Ананько Виктория)
  6. Digital humanities are at the leading edge of applying computer-based technology in the humanities. (Вильсон)
  7. A study of areas typically under the umbrella of ‘the humanities’ using digital methods to advance the research. A looping back into a consideration of these methods and how they may influence the research; the gathering and dissemination of information, the nature of ‘information’ itself, the tools available to us, the reception and use of these tools, the collaboration necessitated and made possible by these tools leading to a different landscape for academic work. (Jessica Jones) (Ушакова Елизавета)
  8. Researching, teaching, creating and interacting at the nexus of the digital and the humanities. (Donna Maria Alexander)   Исследования, преподавание, творчество и взаимодействие на стыке цифровых технологий и гуманитарных наук. (Чащухина Дарья)
  9. Digital humanities is the intersection of work in the humanities (research, teaching, writing) with technology (tools, networks, interactions), when the practitioner is consciously exploring a humanistic subject and a technological method, at the same time. Elli Mylonas (Альбах Света)
  10. A diverse and still emerging field that includes the practice of humanities research in and through information technology. It also includes the development of digital educational/research/teaching/archival/publishing resources for the specific use and study of the humanities and interconnected disciplines. The digital humanities is also concerned with an exploration of how humanities may evolve through their engagement with technology. Ernesto Priego (Альбах Света)
  11. DH is the transfer of texts from traditional tactile to digital media. (Моторина Юля)
  12. A community of practice involving anyone who engages with humanities subject areas through critical, reflexive and collaborative development and use of digital technologies. Kathryn E. Piquette 
  13. digital + humanities = digital humanities 🙂 Roger Whitson
  14. DH is where the traditional fields of the humanities meet the technological advances, and increased accessibility, made possible by computers. It enables researchers to combine traditional methods with the processing power of computers. Sara Kerr (Альбах Света)
  15. Digital Humanities is a field that aims at developing and using the digital resources and tools for solving the research questions in the Humanities. Takafumi Suzuki (Суровцева Анна)
  16. The most concise way that I’ve defined humanities computing is: a digital component for disciplines in the humanities. Humanities Computing works towards answering ‘yes’ to questions in the nature of — is this possible? The definition of Digital Humanities can change every day and is something that we’re constantly redefining. Joyce Yu (Бакина Анна)
  17. is a methodology that allows humanists to expand access to their work, rethink their own scholarship as well as those of others, and create greater collegiality, and consequently greater findings, through collaboration. Dawn Taylor (Бабушкин Максим)
  18. Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary, dynamic, and evolving field of inquiry that creates space for exploring human culture through digital methods and technologies. It offers opportunities to answer, augment, and interrogate existing humanities scholarship; constantly asking questions and offering new possibilities. Meghan Ferriter (Волкова Мария)